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A therapist?

It is an accompanist, an awakener, a midwife of Soul, a mirror of the possible. He supports and confronts. Above all, he believes  to the movement of Life which always finds its way.

Jacques de Panafieu

Regulates the flow of energy.

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Action at the level of the physical body, but also of the mind and spirit.

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Receive information to help you create the life that's right for you.

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Alters body awareness.

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c'est  un processus pendant lequel votre système énergétique sera connecté avec le champ d'énergie qui est autour de vous.

Ainsi vous serez connecté au réseau d'énergie de l'univers, à vos origines....

(En savoir plus)

Deals with what can interfere with the harmonious development of life (human, animal and plant) in a given space.

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A REIKI meeting  


  • Participates in activating and stimulating the process of physical and psychological self-healing
  • Creates a deep relaxation of the nervous system and the release of body tensions
  • Soothes thoughts
  • Refocuses and harmonizes the energy of the physical body and subtle bodies
  • Helps to unblock emotional knots
  • Circulates physical and subtle energy
  • Stimulates cell regeneration



"If someone wants health, you must first ask them if they are ready to remove the causes of the disease. Only then is it possible to help him. "

Hippocrates (460 to 360 BC)


An appointment in  Aromatherapy  


Trained in the knowledge and holistic approach of essential oils, I also realize personalized compositions whose name is  "L'EssenCiel ©"  
You have a unique fingerprint, your current issues are unique to you. EssenCiel © is based on your identity.
Luxury is now within your reach, like a perfume that intoxicates you,  EssenCiel © by its fragrance & its inimitable essence  will operate on all your senses, in an instant & effortlessly to find serenity in your life for the unique being that you are!

An Akashic Reading Meeting


  • A lecture  Akashic is delivered by our guides and messengers according to our needs.
  • The information is revealed to you in the purest kindness.
  • They  address our souls so that we can move forward towards the best in our lives 
  • You ask all your questions and I contact the Akashic memories, your guides, to send you the answers that  are given  in various forms: messages, images, symbols or even sensations that I will  will describe.


Akashic reading  is  also a powerful energy  which will touch your inner being by helping you, to release blockages and bring you the dynamism necessary for your achievement.


A Hypnotherapy appointment


It is moving from the state of control and mastery of the intellect to that of letting go. The therapy is there to bring you to reposition yourself and find the landmarks that put you back in the movement of life.  


"Your choices of action may be limited, but your choices of thought are not."




Tout dans la Vie est vibration et pour l’être humain, les émotions sont un des supports qui permettent de mesurer celle-ci. Dans le monde de la forme elle s’exprime grâce à la matière. Nous sommes venus expérimenter la conscience vibratoire dans la matière et celle-ci peut devenir le reflet de nos préférences, nous aidant à affirmer Qui Nous Sommes.

Notre corps est aussi le reflet de nos pensées, de nos émotions, de nos croyances depuis que nous sommes nés, il est aussi vibratoire.

Ainsi, il est possible d’interagir avec lui de différentes manières.

La reconnection MétaChrist va interagire sur  votre 

  • ADN 

  • Conscience 

  • Sens ...


 d'où la sensation d'être vraiment relié au grand TOUT, de ne plus se sentir seul, de savoir ce qui nous est vraiment nécessaire et de prendre ses décisions en conscience, de voir nos sens et notre intuition se développer de façon croissante.

An appointment in Intuitive Geobiology


Take care of the health of the habitat
Intuitive geobiology deals with what can interfere with the harmonious development of life (human, animal and plant) in a given space.      It is aimed at individuals  (as well as people with a construction project.), businesses and traders.


* Care does not replace medication (or any other remedy or therapy prescribed by the doctor)



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