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The first level of Reiki  comprises four transmissions of energy which permanently open the channel through which the powerful flow of REIKI can pass through the body of the initiate. During this initiation, one learns the different positions for the laying on of hands and the diffusion of the Universal Life Energy to oneself and to others.


In one day of training, you will receive  :  

  • Initiation  (consists of four ritual ceremonies or "harmonizations",   implementing in  initiates of the capacities of channeling of the Universal Energy. Once the student is put in  resonance with the energy of Reiki, it is definitely hers. Your energy, and your vibratory rate (your radiation) will increase significantly which  will have  a positive impact in your daily life.)

  • The principles and history of Reiki

  • Positioning of hands on oneself and others

  • Balancing energy centers

  • Know how to protect yourself

  • Learn to receive the right information and use your intuition

  • A diploma certifying your initiation 

  • You will have the opportunity to practice, to experiment, to share your feelings.



The second level of Reiki reinforces the process already started during the first level. Because the person receives two other initiations and the first three sacred symbols. It therefore becomes a more powerful channel and is able to transmit Reiki energy at a distance.


In one day of training, you will receive  :  


  • Initiation  (made of  of two "harmonizations" reinforcing the connection with Reiki, increase of the vibratory rate, compared to the first degree  which is especially recommended for those who wish to free themselves from emotional knots and old negative beliefs. As well as those who wish to use Reiki professionally, or simply to explore all its possibilities of use.) 

  • Discovery and learning of sacred symbols of the second degree

  • Remote Reiki, and emotional-mental harmonization

  • Learn to formulate  a goal for effective mental work and recognize its effect

  • Learn to harmonize the chakras

  • A diploma certifying your initiation

  • You will have the opportunity to practice, to experiment, to share your feelings.




The third level of Reiki opens up the energy channel further and the student receives a master symbol which allows him to learn to teach and initiate people at level 1 and 2.


In one day of training, you will receive  :  


  • Initiation  (made of  of a "harmonization" strengthening the connection with Reiki compared to the second degree, the third level is accompanied by an important personal evolution, an awareness of your link with the universe and a more in-depth work on the 'ego.  Increased vibratory rate.You can teach & initiate the 1 & 2 level)

  • Discovery and learning of sacred symbols of the third degree

  • Learning 1st & 2nd degree initiations 

  • A diploma certifying your initiation (You become a Therapist) 

  • You will have the opportunity to practice, to experiment, to share your feelings.  



The Reiki Master level allows for the even deeper integration of healing energies and the person is now able to teach at all levels of Reiki.


In one day of training, you will receive  :  


  • Initiation  (This level is accompanied by a significant change in the vibratory rate, it is aimed at the practitioner wishing to teach and initiate the  Reiki  and continue his spiritual journey.)

  • Discovery  and  Learning the symbols of the Master

  • Learning initiations of the 3rd degree and Mastery

  • A diploma certifying your initiation  (You become a Reiki Master-Therapist-Teacher)    




REIKI Training Levels  I-II-III-IV

REIKI online training (I.II.III)  


They are starting to spread in France.

They are commonly used in the United States, Canada and Great Britain.

This initiation has the same qualities,  the same potency and effects as the live initiation.

Energy knows neither space nor time.  


How to receive the Initiation at a distance?  

For more information contact   MAHATMI  




No  Remote level IV.

The transmission of teachings and initiations  for the Masters is done live. 


* Care does not replace medication (or any other remedy or therapy prescribed by the doctor)



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